La Part des Anges
britannique de Ken Loach 2012 1h41mn
Prix du Jury Cannes 2012 Prix du Public
Festival San Sebastian
A Glasgow, Robbie, tout jeune père de famille, est
constamment rattrapé par son passé de délinquant. Il croise la route de Rhino,
Albert et la jeune Mo lorsque, comme eux, il échappe de justesse à la prison
mais écope d’une peine de travaux d’intérêts généraux. Henri, l’éducateur qu’on
leur a assigné, devient alors leur nouveau mentor en les initiant secrètement…
à l’art du whisky ! De distilleries en séances de dégustation huppées, Robbie
se découvre un réel talent de dégustateur, bientôt capable d’identifier les
cuvées les plus exceptionnelles, les plus chères. Avec ses trois compères,
Robbie va-t-il se contenter de transformer ce don en arnaque - une étape de
plus dans sa vie de petits délits et de violence ? Ou en avenir nouveau, plein
de promesses ? Seuls les anges le savent…
Narrowly avoiding jail, new dad Robbie vows to turn over a new leaf. A visit to a whisky distillery inspires him and his mates to seek a way out of their hopeless lives.

Narrowly avoiding jail, new dad Robbie vows to turn over a new leaf. A visit to a whisky distillery inspires him and his mates to seek a way out of their hopeless lives.
In The Angels' Share, Robbie and the
companions hear of an extremely valuable old whisky being auctioned at a
Highland distillery and plan an ultra lo-tech heist to give them the nest-egg
they need. The unwitting participants in their plot are Harry, who has
encouraged Robbie's newfound passion, and a sophisticated broker who deals in
rare whisky.
So there is politics underlying every aspect of this funny, warm-hearted, deftly plotted film, and we fervently wish for the caper planned by this endearing quartet to succeed.
The film's title, The Angels' Share, is apparently the term used to refer to the 2% of whisky that evaporates in the cask each year. An interesting item of distilling lore, it's initially a joke about capitalist exploitation that turns at the end of the film into a metaphor for generosity and gratitude.
So there is politics underlying every aspect of this funny, warm-hearted, deftly plotted film, and we fervently wish for the caper planned by this endearing quartet to succeed.
The film's title, The Angels' Share, is apparently the term used to refer to the 2% of whisky that evaporates in the cask each year. An interesting item of distilling lore, it's initially a joke about capitalist exploitation that turns at the end of the film into a metaphor for generosity and gratitude.
Ce film sera projeté dans le cadre du 10è festival Polyglotte le 6 avril au Cinéma Paradiso de Nort-sur-Erdre à 20 h 30.